About Dwain Dougan

Since graduating from Chinese medical school in 2000 Dwain has lived and worked in Hawaii, Italy and Spain as well as spending time in SE Asia studying medical Qi gong and Ayurvedic medicine and undergoing regular Pancha karma treatments in Kerala, India.

Being exposed to these various countries and their cultures; their different climates,  diets, lifestyles, and the languages and histories that help construct their cultural psychologies have all broadened and deepened his understanding of the Oriental medical philosophy and it’s application into our day to day lives.

These medical systems come from the Vedic and Taoist philosophies and contain:

The 5 Element theory– It is like the 4 elements in Greek medicine, which of course is the origin of the modern Western allopathic medical system.

The Yin/Yang theory which recognizes and explains the dualistic nature of our world and how it’s related to our health and healing. For example, the Water mind: Fire mind concept. Parasympathetic: Sympathetic nervous system response.  Feed or breed: Fight or flight response.

The Qi/Prana theory. That energy is the basis of all life, much like the sun light is. It is constantly being created and consumed and is found everywhere, In everything. Thus it is an example of a unifying principle in Nature.

The Unified field theory- The inter-connectedness of all life on this planet, how one thing inevitably effects another.  This is demonstrated in many environmental studies  as well as in the development of the Systems approach found  in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This of course is contrary to the still dominant Cartesion/Mechanistic  philosophies found in western science and medicine, which sees everything  as a machine  and believes you can understand  the Whole by studying the individual parts. 

So the basis of his treatment approach is to consider the whole person; their varying symptoms/ humoral imbalances, as many causative factors as possible and to analyze  how the Channel Qi is flowing-  Activating or draining it using Acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion. And for those people not fond of needles he also works the channels with massage, needless ear acupuncture, movement therapies like Qi gong or the greatly underrated diet and lifestyle adjustments. All meant to restore optimal functioning according to the needs and wishes of his clients

Professional Credentials

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